Wild Foraging Hike and Workshop with Colleen Matula

06/07/2024 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM CT


  • $25.00  -  Member
  • $35.00  -  Non-Member



The natural world is made up of bountiful resources to discover, from edible and medicinal plants and fungus to the most brilliant floral landscapes. These engaging and educational programs will expand your knowledge and curiosity about the vibrant world of plant communities.


Join Ecologist and foraging enthusiast Colleen Matula for this educational, fun, and yummy workshop and hike!  Foraging for wild food is a great way to experience the natural world. With this workshop we will first learn how to identify plants, then how to harvest and prepare the wild food to eat.   Be prepared to hike in the woods and endure the outdoor elements!

Registration is required by 6/5/24.  We will meet in the Forest Room on campus in our Discovery Hall at the Discovery Center.  Friday, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM.  $25/Member and $35/Non-Member.


Please read our program and event registration and cancellation policy here.