Discover on Demand: Hidden Lake Creatures

05/01/2020 10:00 AM - 05/29/2020 11:00 PM CT


  • $5.00  -  Phytoplankton
  • $10.00  -  Zooplankton
  • $15.00  -  Macroinvertebrate
  • $25.00  -  Freshwater mussel
  • $50.00  -  Conservationist



Stay at home doesn't mean you have to be bored alone!  Discover on Demand is a new environmental education series provided by the North Lakeland Discovery Center program staff.  Every Friday during the "Stay at Home" order we will post a lecture on a different environmental topic relevant to the Northwoods.  The programs are an hour long and are great for teens and adults.  

When we hear the word “lake” we often think of fish, frogs, turtles, and plants. However, did you know there is an entire world within each lake that is virtually invisible? Join us to learn about all the critters that play vital roles in lakes that are “hidden” from most eyes.

There are multiple price levels, please choose whichever level is right for you.  All proceedes go to supporting environemtal education and inspiring an ethic of care for Wisconsin's Northwoods.  

After registration, you will receive an email by 10am on May 1st with the link to the online video lecture (the link will be vaild forever, so you can watch when it's convient for you).  You will be able to submit questions by responding to the email address provided in the program.  


If you would like to register for this program after the May 1st registration date, please email Emily Heald, water program coordinator, at